Axfone India Private Limited

Axfone LLC provides IT services in telco and SW development for its clients since 2008. After 10 years was Axfone India PVT LTD was estabilished as development division full of IT professionals. Axfone has built up an unquestionable market position through quality work, dynamic service development and a professional approach. In 2008, we gained the status of official .cz domain registrar and launched web hosting services. Two years later, they obtained a license from the Czech Telecommunication Office and launched their own voice platform as one of the first VoIP operators in the Czech Republic. An important moment in 2011 was the achievement of virtual mobile operator status and the launch of the sale of mobile services. All the services we provide are the result of our own internal development department, which ensures a perfect knowledge of the whole issue, bringing customers maximum flexibility in implementing individual products in their own business environment.

When launching new products on the market, but also when designing a solution for a new customer, the focus is on the perfect interconnection of all services offered and a clear orientation on price, but without the least compromises in requirements for perfect quality. Thanks to these priorities, we managed to become known as a stable IT company within a short time since the company was established and above all to occupy the position of one of the largest VoIP operators in the Czech and Slovak markets.

During many years of internal development of individual products, our development and project team has grown and requirements for custom SW have started to come more often. Therefore, we decided to further support our focus on custom development, separating this division into a separate company and thus creating the Clever4UP brand as a new product from AXFONE. Currently, thanks to our expansion into the world, we are available to customers not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. We also offer a complete portfolio of services in Bulgaria and our development team is based not only in Prague but also in Mumbai, India. Despite transnational operations at several branches, we are able to operate as one team using modern communication technologies. And while we are seeing a steep year-on-year growth in service volume and our teams have been growing steadily for many years.

Satisfied clients

  • Wholesale platform for virtual telco providers programming
  • Comprehensive provisioning system for WS SMS T-Mobile's platform
  • GTS MVNO product design
  • Complete internal system for services' maintanance
  • User interface for communication with customers
  • Vodafone's Provisioning connection
  • Design and providing database
  • Billing systems for ICT and telco services
  • Front end for customers
  • Voice components for serving "fix voice"
  • Comprehensive system for service and customer management
  • 5G connection and IPTV provisioning
  • Takeover maintenance of U:FON and AIR Tel products
  • Billing system including invoicing
  • Programming a high-throughput wholesale voice platform
  • Complete supply of on and off street parking systems for cities and private parking entities
  • Development and provisioning connection to french Parkeon
  • Mobile app for parking payment
  • Billing app for video call systems
  • Front end for call center
  • Voice components for managing "fix voice"